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Eight years can be judged as insignificant when measured on the scale of human history, or the most significant when considered on the scale of a single life. SolEpoxy has been driven by the goal of achieving IATF certification for the past eight years and the time and effort invested has made the victory very sweet indeed.
The International Automotive Task Force developed the IATF 16949:2016 standard with the aim of providing a single worldwide Quality Standard and thus guaranteeing a supply chain filled with high-quality manufacturing facilities. Integrated with the international ISO 9001:2015 standard IATF 16949 raises the bar and blends deeply into the day to day operations of a certified manufacturer. Manufactures are rewarded with a Supplier of Choice status and a Quality Management System based on process integration, employee engagement and continual improvement.
It is then with great pride that SolEpoxy announces our certification to IATF 16949:2016. We have achieved a challenging goal and we wish to thank all of our employees for the effort, time and care spent in proving SolEpoxy is up to the challenge.