Alternative coatings replace discontinued epoxy motor and winding insulation

SolEpoxy™DK7-1060 is our newest flexible orange coating powder, completing our portfolio of offsets to the coating powders discontinued by 3M. DK7-1060 joins the broadest line-up of UL-listed coating powders for electrical insulation.

SolEpoxy alternatives to discontinued 3M powders 
SolEpoxy offers fusion bonded epoxy for motor slot insulation, internal permanent magnet motor hairpin coating, bus bar insulation for power transmission, electric vehicles, and switch gear, and powder coatings for passive electronics like capacitors and inductors.
SolEpoxy reinforced our reputation for quality during the global supply chain crisis of 2021 & 2022. We never missed a shipment. Consequently we have seen growth in both domestic and foreign markets with increased sales to Europe and the emerging coating giant, India.
If you require an alternative or second source functional epoxy coating powder, contact SolEpoxy.
                DK7-1060                                         DK7-20H                                         DK7-0953M